
Showing posts with the label massive bodies

Unveiling the Cosmic Riddle: How Light Bends to the Will of Black Holes!

Introduction: Greetings, cosmic explorers! Prepare to embark on a mind-boggling journey into the heart of a celestial enigma. Picture this: light, the fastest traveler in the universe, being pulled by the invisible embrace of a black hole, a region where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. But wait, doesn't light lack mass? How can gravity affect something weightless? Buckle up as we untangle this paradox, revealing the astonishing dance between light and black holes. Let's dive in, shall we? Section 1: The Light-Speed Puzzle At first glance, you might wonder why light, seemingly weightless and blazingly fast, gets caught in the gravitational web of black holes. After all, classical physics suggests that gravity is a force that acts on objects with mass, pulling them toward massive bodies. So, why should light, with no mass at all, be susceptible to gravity's clutches? Section 2: The Mind-Bending Twist: Space-Time Curvature The answer lies in the remarkable